Bodies of Water
Bodies of Water
A performative lecture about the inner ecology, water, emotions, and non-hierarchical relationships.

We – all living beings on the Earth – are full of water. Our bodies are fluid and sensitive in their transformation to new forms of life, as we all become posthumans…
Nowadays, wind can flow freely in empty cities, in the ruins of our systems. Our emotions are our liquidity. Transformation from fear to love is bringing a new flow to our lives. Being kind to all living creatures, including ourselves and the Earth, means giving a sense to our futures.
On behalf of Astrida Neimanis and her posthuman feminist vision.
The live performance will take place in the DOX Center and will be streamed to the festival youtube channel. Link coming soon.
Recording of the performance
Darina Alster

(EN below)
Darina Alster je umělkyně, která o sobě dáva vědět zřetelně formulovanou výpovědí o hranicích a limitech dnešního světa. Narušuje konvenčně vnímané hranice, otevírá nejrůznější tabu a kriticky se vyslovuje ke společnosti. Zajímá ji okamžitá sociální skutečnost, ale taky neměnné danosti lidské duše, archetypy a tajemství. Darina je vizuální umělkyně, performerka, publicistka a pedagožka. Žije a pracuje v Praze. Od roku 2016 pečuje o pražskou sekci skupiny Mothers Artlovers. Od jara 2019 vede společně s Kateřinou Olivovou studio Nových Médií 2 na pražské Akademii Výtvarných Umění.
Darina Alster is an artist who critically explores the borders and limits of today's world. She aims to disrupt conventionally perceived boundaries and open stubborn social taboos; inquiring into immediate social facts as well as the immutable givens of the human soul, archetypes, and magic. Darina is a visual artist, performer, author, and pedagog. She lives and works in Prague. Since autumn 2016 she has been taking care of the Prague section of the Mothers Artlovers collective. Since 2019, she has been the head of the New Media 2 studio at the Academy of Fine Arts Prague, together with Kateřina Olivová.