Occupying Screen Spaces
Occupying Screen Spaces
COVID-19 has put everyone in isolation, in which the digital space becomes the dominant venue that keeps us connected and staying social. However, it is well-known that the social digital spaces we have are poorly designed for meaningful connections, as they are largely designed based on linear, single-user journeys which consider all social encounters as part of the communicative workflow, and aim for efficient exchange of information. In a time when we realize how dependent we are from others and where solidarity and togetherness become the utmost important foundation to keep our global society from falling apart, it is urgent and crucial that we begin to confront the isolation by design in the digital space and explore the alternative together, albeit being alone. In this project, we would like to explore the Other (Digital) Space via webcam-based collaborative LARP exercises.
‘Occupying Screen Spaces’ is a screen-based online Live-Action Role-Play departing from the research manifesto “Urbanizing the digital: Call for actions” which perceive the digital environment as if it’s an urban space and open a different optics for a public interest internet. It’s a collaboration between the collective Trojan Horses (Kaisa Karvinen and Tommi Vasko) and researcher Yin Aiwen from the Centre of Applied Research for Art, Design and Technology in Avans University of Applied Sciences.
Requirements for participants
Zoom.us application for video streaming with free account
Please check your Zoom setting before the event starts - https://zoom.us/test
Yin Aiwen & Trojan Horse

Yin Aiwen is a practising designer, theorist and project developer, who uses writing, speculative design and time-based art to examine the social impact of planetary communication technologies. She advocates relationship-focused design as a strategy to redesign, re-engineer and reimagine the relationship between technology and society. She has been researching Urbanizing the digital, with the support of the Centre of Applied Research for Art, Design and Technology in Avans University of Applied Sciences since 2020.
Yin Aiwen's website
Architect Kaisa Karvinen and graphic designer Tommi Vasko form a research-duo that blends science fiction and performative methods with architecture, city planning and digital communication. Together with design journalist Ida Kukkapuro, they have founded Trojan Horse, a Helsinki-based initiative that organizes summer schools, live-action role-plays and other events in order to explore the boundaries and preconditions that define the field in which architects and designers operate today.