Synthetic Landscape
Synthetic Landscape

Synthetic Landscape is the collaborative workshop in the digital audiovisual platform Expo_dist that is based on Java program. The platform is perpetually developed for various means of use, through the collaboration of artists Jakub Tajovský and Jakub Valtar.
Originally, Expo_dist was designed as the painterly archive of Jakub Tajovský. Yet, both the program and its authors are always open to emerging collaborations. Currently, the Expo_dist serves as an imaginative incubator for groups of friends-artists developing their speculative visions of "Synthetic landscape".
Within the Expo_dist collaborations, we are working with various media, mixing our artistic approaches with the aim to develop a vision of formal and conceptual connections between the artificial and the natural world. We consider visualising this kind of empathy between two opposing sides of the environment as necessary practice in the troubling times.
For the online event at the Uroboros festival, participating artists (with skills in painting, architecture, glassworks, electronic music...) will prepare their own data in advance. During the online session, for the first time, we will explore and experiment with the final dataset altogether; exposing our impromptu co-performance to the audience. At the end of the vent, each participating artist will receive the final version of the Expo_dist_Uroboros deposit.
During one hour of performance, there will be an open space for each participant to react to the final content by uploading new data into the Expo_dist space. By doing so, we hope to create an audiovisual conversation about what are/could be synthetic landscapes; where and how could they exist.
The workshop was prepared in cooperation with Jakub Valtar, Barbara Krásenská, Veronika Špundová, Jakub Koby Němec, Johan Pertl, Tomáš Plachký, and Martin Eichler. Thanks for help!
Requirements for participants application for video streaming with free account
Please check your Zoom setting before the event starts -
Prepare your images in format .jpg .gif or .png and sounds in format .mp3 or .wav describing your ideas about synthetic landscape.
Jakub Tajovský

Jakub Tajovský explores painting media as a tools of "the creative technology". Thanks to its historical tradition Painting includes many proven methods for construction and composition of an image. Jakub is looking for connection of painting with other media. In the experimental figures, he combines the historical receptures and methods of painting with the contemporary approach to material design or visual technologies.
Next to the physical painting he works in the Expo_dist. The digital platform wich discovers kind of hybrid reality in connection of painting with other disciplines and collaboration with other artists.
Currently he is doing PhD research in painting technologies and inovations. As a part of his research he has founded the open source database - a platform for decentralized painters practice, where the technologies follows the different needs and priorities in their sophistication than its scientific and industrial division.